Streaming Instructions (watch on Zoom)
At least a day before, download Zoom to your device. You can find at the Apple App Store or Google Play.
If you are on a computer, you can visit and join from there. (You do not have to create an account in order to join the meeting.)
Join with this link:
Upon entering the meeting, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room where you will wait to be “admitted”.
Once you are admitted, you will be prompted to join audio. Select “Join”.
You will automatically be placed on “mute” and WITHOUT video.
- If you are on a mobile device or tablet, turning it sideways (landscape / horizontally) will give you a better view so it will fill the whole screen.
- View the recital program at
- Internet connections vary. Sometimes you may experience a delay either in sound or video. Please be patient as it corrects itself.
- A recording will be made available to families after the recital.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!